Research project "Numbers in human destiny. Numerology"

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St. Catherine's Day - Catherine's Angel Day St. Catherine's Day: traditions
St. Catherine's Day is celebrated annually on December 7th. This is a very important holiday as...
2024-02-17 06:10:52
Let's use strong spells and rituals
Any person who practices magic professionally knows a lot of protection conspiracies, with their...
2024-02-16 05:40:40
Totem animal stork and its properties
The stork is a particularly revered bird, endowed with human properties, a guardian and purifier of the earth...
2024-02-15 05:58:41
Breathe on incense - meaning Expression breathe on incense
BREATHING ON THE INCENSE MEANS BEING HEALED.Breathing on the incense means being treated. - Not only the devil is afraid of him...
2024-02-14 06:12:06
Psychics about the Druid horoscope
Main qualities: Courage, perseverance, endurance, insight, attentiveness. Lucky...
2024-02-14 06:12:06