Principles and rules for the distribution of children in kindergartens. Principles and rules for the distribution of children to kindergartens Where does the queue begin

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The magical and protective properties of the field poppy
Material used: GwendalonSlizerin, 2nd course Report to the lesson Herbalism Poppy is a herbaceous ...
2023-07-19 01:07:17
Auspicious days of the zodiac sign Pisces
Pisces (from the Latin Pisces) is the twelfth sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun...
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The approach of the moon to the earth will coincide with the full moon
Moon observations are among the most accessible for an amateur astronomer. Really:...
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Drawing up runic formulas and their application Rune formula with reservation and application
Runes are called the alphabet that arose even before our era among the Scandinavian and North Germanic peoples ....
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How to ask the Almighty for a prayer to be accepted?
It's no secret that for every student, be it a schoolboy, an applicant or a student, the most ...
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